GetGud Automation
Your one stop shop for automation for MMO’s & much more.
All at the push of a button

For Botters by Botters
Whether it’s our top of the line WoW Bots for retail & TBC we provide automation for not only wow but as well as D2R and including much more bots such as crypto trading bots to connect to your crypto exchange to automate trading, & newly released FPS Aimbots to keep you on top of leaderboards. With GetGud we also provide you access to our premium mmo botting forum automatically upon sign up.
D2R Tools for Online Play!
Choose between ZhiPei the Dominate Assistant D2R Hack to use while manually playing or the JieGuan Take Over D2R Bot to automate gameplay while AFK.
Wow Bots for every task at hand
With WoW Bots for Gathering, Questing or even PvP we have you covered with many options to choose from for Retail or TBC Classic, along with SoM. Choose between MacOS or Windows solutions.
Crypto Trading Bot
Bitbot a simple to use but very advanced crypto trading bot will provide you the results you are looking for without giving up your budget to costly trading software or crypto automation platforms that do not provide the results you should be getting.
FPS Aim Bots
While expanding our selection of software you will find our FPS Aimbots safe to use and ready for instant setup.
Why choose Getgud
automated bots & tools

Get access to your serial numbers for your product after signing up.
We are constantly striving to improve our user experience and provide the safest tools for botting in not only WoW, D2R & FPS games but also providing easy to use crypto trading software.
Don't get caught in any ban traps our tripwires check against scans for D2R changes as an example our hacks will automatically log you off or disable access if there is any warden changes detected.
While our forum is great for discussion we provide access to a community driven marketplace that utilizes escrow listings to ensure a safe selling and buying of in game items, services, custom scripts & downloads to make you able to earn money when it comes to cash out your credits from one of the many available marketplaces.
Security that works
With warden tripwire in place and also obfuscation of our software meaning the source code stays private to the developers and you stay safe from ban traps. Our user base is constantly growing due to our security in place.
Fast delivery of your bot purchase
Automation is great, it can even automate many things such as our serial key delivery. We make sure you have an easy checkout and quick delivery time of your mmo bot.
Support always available around the clock
Live support provided ranging from helpdesk tickets & live chat to our forum with Frequently answered questions that will keep you botting without confusion.
Getgud with online D2R Tools
D2R Tools that will keep you ahead
Choosing between manual play automation tool such as zhipei dominate assistant tool for an easy pickit or auto healing, chicken and much more features to enhance your gameplay. Or let jieguan the take over d2r bot automate your gameplay for you while AFK.
D2R automation that will put you ahead and gets you the results you’ve been looking for.
Getgud with D2R Bots for Live Servers
WoW Bots that are not like others and provide you with the security you need.
Many WoW Bots to choose from
Sometimes less is more but each of our bots have a purpose at hand to provide you with the best option for automation whether it’s gathering, questing, grinding or PvP rotations for dominating the battlefield.
Getgud with Crypto Trading Bots
BitBot is an easy to use Crypto Trading Bot
Our partner’s crypto trading bot has proven to be one of the easiest to use, and simple to setup and collect profits even while AFK.
While most bots rely on buying low and selling high, Bitbot can short sell with certain exchanges and even provides leveraged trading abilities to get results like no other crypto bots would.